Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Online Education is not Compared to Traditional Education - 825 Words

Online versus Traditional Education: The Legitimacy of Online Education is not Guaranteed Compared to Traditional Education (Essay Sample) Content: ONLINE VERSES TRADITIONAL EDUCATIONNameInstitutionIntroductionThe last decade has seen a proliferation of online education models as a means to expand education. This is due to the need to reach out to a wider market in the education sector, as it is with other sectors of the economy. It is also a result of the growing demand for education in geographically dispersed locations. This way, institutions, notably those offering higher education, continue to develop fully fledged curriculums for a wide array of courses, complete with projects, course works and examinations for distance learning. E learning is the most dominant approach to online education. Other approaches, such as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are gaining popularity, especially in cases where the Institution intends to offer free education.However, online education raises questions on the quality of learning, as well as the integrity of examination. It also evokes serious questions on the legitimacy and validity of qualifications acquired through the same, since this learning model differs from traditional education.ClaimThe legitimacy of online education is not guaranteed compared to traditional education.DataThe legitimacy of online education is challenged by the integrity of examinations that are done online, as well as the minimum thresh-hold for course work and classes attended. These variables are extremely difficult to consolidate for online teaching and professional development. Lai (2001) explains that for online learning to remain effective, it must seek to establish integrity and validity of academic concerns such as class attendance and a transparent method of examination. The lack of solid verification and validation means beyond access to the learning system compromises the legitimacy of online education.In addition, universities that offer certain forms of online education, notably, MOOCs, do not offer accreditation on the same. In fact, this model is simply use d to offer free information, and not the certification itself.The work of Holmes and Gardener (2006) suggests concepts and practices for online learning. Most of the propositions brought forward, such as interactions and the development of feedback structures seek to emulate traditional learning. These propositions point out to weaknesses inherent to online learning. The lack of physical presence and interaction among learners, and between lecturers and their students is probably the biggest weakness of online learning.The value of interaction and feedback in the learning process cannot be overstated. For learning to remain effective and efficient, the learning environment must facilitate open discussions for brainstorming and the exchange of ideas. Online education or e learning cannot fully simulate the conditions of a traditional classroom, regardless of the extent to which technology and innovation have been employed to achieve the same. Students not only need to learn from the teachers, but also from each other.Adaptive instructional instruments and materials are susceptible to failure. Thomas (2011) identifies this as a major drawback of online learning. This can be due to hardware faults, software issues, and compatibility across different technological platforms, wear and tear among many others. This is not the case with traditional learning. While the weaknesses of the information technology and infrastructure can be rectified with ease, they do amount to delays and inefficiency. This can lead to poor, failed or untimely delivery of class material.QualifierThe extent to which online learning is being embraced with notable success challenges any doubt that this method of learning is ineffective. In fact, there are no records of employers who place any bias in recruitment based on online or traditional education. This further proves that online education is legitimate and effective. In addition, the content of the syllabus, course works, academic projec ts and examinations is identical in online and traditional learning. This is an accurate indicator that the method of presentation does not affect the quality or legitimacy of online education. The lack of a defined set of variables to challenge the validity of online l...

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay on An Analysis of Sexism and Its Effects on Igbo...

An Analysis of Sexism and Its Effects on Igbo Society There are a lot of things in the world that people take for granted. That is, until those things start to damage them. And slowly, but surely, the damaging starts to turn to destruction. By the time they realize their mistake it is too late. Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart takes place in Igbo Nigeria before and during its colonization by the white man. It centers around Okonkwo, a Nigerian man from the clan of Umuofia, who holds power and prestige and whose life is constantly dominated by anger and fear of being weak. Throughout the novel, one of the recurring themes is that of women and fairness in gender. Men and masculinity overall†¦show more content†¦The Oracle of the Hills and the Caves telling him to go home and work like a man is concrete evidence of the Umuofian superstition that masculinity is the preferred way of living. When the Oracle, the very religion of Umuofia, states that it is unmanly to be lazy and weak, it implies without statement that hard work and success are traits relative to masculinity. Such traits are generally agreed upon as very respectable and important in the eyes of most prosperous societies. Furthermore, when Okonkwo is farming yams with his eldest son Nwoye, he constantly faults Nwoyes efforts, because he believes that, Yam stood for manlinessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Okonkwo wanted his son to be a great farmer and a great man. He would stamp out the disquieting signs of laziness which he thought he already saw in him (32). Okonkwo thinks Nwoye is lazy just due to the fact that he is not a farmer of the masculine yam crop. His thoughts are proof that the Umuofians believe in superiority of masculinity and preference of masculine traits. The belief is so ground into the people that it is evident in several aspects of Umuofian life, including the agricultural economy that feeds the mouths of the clan, and even family. While manliness is considered a virtue, women and agbala are for the most part delegated to being subordinate to men, showing onceShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesLandscape Sam Wineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past Sharon Hartman Strom, Political Woman: Florence Luscomb and the Legacy of Radical Reform Michael Adas, ed., Agricultural and Pastoral Societies in Ancient and Classical History Jack Metzgar, Striking Steel: Solidarity Remembered Janis Appier, Policing Women: The Sexual Politics of Law Enforcement and the LAPD Allen Hunter, ed., Rethinking the Cold War Eric Foner, ed., The New American

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Book Report Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Oswald Angulo Project Estimating and Budgeting Prof. Thomas Hayes-Morrison Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Seven Habits of Highly Effective People starts off with an introduction to the concept of Paradigm Shift which is, essentially, a change in basic assumptions. Author Stephen R. Covey prepares the reader to have a change in mindset. Covey explains that there exists a different perspective amongst individuals. Two people can see the same thing but each individual can have a very different understanding from one another. The first three habits introduced in the book deals shifting from dependence to independence. Habit 1: Be Proactive This habit is about taking initiative in life and realizing that our decisions are†¦show more content†¦I have not been completely certain of how I wanted my life to be but now, at 33, I do not what I want out of life and what type of career I want to have. I m slowly building in more time in my day to focus on developing myself in order to reach my desired goals. Creating a plan that begins with the end in mind is definitely something I m starting immediately since reading this book. Habit 3: Put First Things First This habit is about prioritizing, planning, and executing a week s tasks based on importance rather than urgency. It requires that I evaluate whether or not my efforts exemplify my desired character values, propel me towards my goals, and enrich the roles and relationships discussed in Habit 2. I know for certainty that this is a habit I desperately need to acquire because mostly everything that I do is based on urgency. I always feel like I m working with unreasonable deadlines. I know that I ll be more effective and productive once I ve been able to prioritize my tasks based on importance rather than urgency. Habit 4: Think Win-Win This habit, along with the next two, deals with interdependence. This habit deals with genuinely striving for mutually beneficial solutions or agreements in my relationships. Valuing and respecting others by understanding that a win for all is a better long-term outcome than if only one person in the situation had gotten his or her way. This is definitely a habit I already have. I know what itShow MoreRelatedThe Habits Of Highly Effective People By Stephen R. Covey Essay1858 Words   |  8 Pages7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey When I went through professor’s required book list, I recognized the book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, at my first glance. I do remember that I read its Chinese version which was a present from my grandfather almost ten years ago when I was a teenager. Shortly after feeling excited, I was a little embarrassed because I barely remember the 7 habits. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Eriksons Stages of Development free essay sample

There are eight stages of development that Erikson suggests as psychosocial development, these stages are as follows; Stage 1 – this stage is the Trust vs. Mistrust stage, also known as the Infancy stage, which occurs between birth and one year of age. Erikson considers this stage the most fundamental. In this stage the child develops a since of security. Without this stage of development the child would fail to trust and live in fear. Stage 2 Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt also referred to as the Early Childhood stage, ages two to three years of age. This stage is second on the list and generates a greater sense of control within the child. Some examples of the child developing control is; gaining control of body functions, being able to choice their toys, and clothes and even food choices. Developing this stage helps the child feel confident, without it they will develop self-doubt. Stage 3 – next there is the preschool stage (ages 3 – 5), which is also referred to the Initiative vs. Guilt stage of development. This is when children begin to express their power through social interaction. This stage, developed successfully, helps children be able to lead and those how fail develop a sense of guilt. Stage 4 – Industry vs. Inferiority stage of development occurs between ages 5 to 11. This stage of development is best developed during early school years through social interactions. This is when they begin to develop a sense of pride and belief in their self. Those who don’t develop during this stage develop doubt or believe that they won’t be successful. Stage 5 – during the adolescence stage, children develop their independence. Children that receive proper encouragement will develop a strong sense of independence and control. Those who grow up not developing this stage are confused about themselves. Stage 6 Intimacy vs. Isolation stage occurs at the age of 19 to 40 years age. Young Adulthood develops personality that is vital to exploring personal relationships. Developing this personality leads to holding a committed relationship, while not developing it could mean loneliness and depression. Stage 7 Generativity vs. Stagnation also known as Middle Adulthood (40 to 65 years). During these adult years, we tend to focus on building a family and career. Success during this stage creates a active person within the community and at home. Those who fail to develop this stage feel uninvolved in the world. Stage 8 Integrity vs. Despair is the final stage of life. People in the Maturity (65 to death) stage tend to look back on their life. This is a time when those that develop this stage get a since of accomplishment, integrity and satisfaction. Those that didn’t obtain development at this stage, feels like they have wasted their time and is filled with despair. Muhammad Ali is a great character example of Stage 7- Generativity vs. Stagnation and Stage 8 Integrity vs. Despair development. Muhammad Ali was one of the best athletes of my time. According to Erikson’s theory of development, Muhammad Ali at Stage 6 had proven Erikson’s theory by having a strong sense of himself and becoming successful. The sixth stage was basically the prerequisite for Stage 7. In Stage 7, Muhammad Ali had become successful as a mature adult and was able to feel that he could pass some of his skills to the next generation. At Stage 8, Muhammad Ali in his final stage of life, is able to look back at his life and at his achievements and get a since of accomplishment, integrity and satisfaction. At all Muhammad Ali accomplished his is able to feel proud and have no regrets. Even when confronting death, he knows he will attain wisdom. Dr. Martin Luther King is another great example of Erickson’s theory of development of Stage 6 and Stage 7. Stage 6 is defined as the Intimacy and Isolation years or Young Adulthood Stage. This development stage is normally developed somewhere between ages 20 – 40 years, but for Dr. King, this stage of development was most likely developed at the early part of his life. Erikson believes that at this stage in life people are struggling trying to find their identity through intimacy and isolation. Erikson stated, â€Å"Once people have established their identities, they are ready to make long-term commitments†. At stage 7, Middle Adulthood, Dr. King may have asked the question,† What can I do to make my life count? † During this stage of generativity has broad application to family, relationships, work, and society. Generativity, then is primarily the concern in establishing and guiding the next generation the concept is meant to include†¦productivity and creativity. †(Slater, 2003) Dr. King, in my opinion is the perfect example for validating Erikson’s theory of Stage 7. The task of developing his personality at this stage in order to contribute something to society and helping to guide future generations was accomplished. Dr. Martin Luther King was a perfect character for Erikson’s Theory Psychosocial Development. Eriksons Theory of Psychosocial Development is very interesting. I find it fascinating to be able to break down a person’s life in a way to see how they develop. I agree with Erikson’s theories totally. I can look at people I know and see the stages they missed in their life and if they are on track. Even looking at myself I realize where I need to be, so I can prepare for the Final stage (Stage 8) of my life. References: Cherry, K. , Eriksons Theory of Psychosocial Development Retrieved from http://psychology. about. com/od/psychosocialtheories/a/psychosocial. htm Allen, L. , (2008). What the Stages of Life are and What They Mean.